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It is an essential element of our company responsibility and due diligence processes, which are applicable in all our operational requirements to ensure violation of fundamental human rights do not exist in either our business activities or our supply chains.
Organisational Structure and Supply Chains
Established in 2015 and based in Wiltshire, we are an on-line furniture business. Our products are manufactured both in the UK and through international Suppliers. Furniturebox ensure that our suppliers are audited to confirm their processes and practices are above suspicion and are compliant with all applicable UK and international legislation and regulations in force or coming into force at any time. For international manufacturers, these audits include BSCI/SMETA standard, conducted by authorised 3rd parties.
Due Diligence and Audit of Suppliers and Supply Chain
We are in the process of auditing international suppliers by an accredited 3rd party V-Trust which will cover all aspects including child labour/slave labour. This work will expand and continue. Yearly we audit our international suppliers by an accredited 3rd party which will cover all aspects including child labour/slave labour. This process is a requirement for all new suppliers.
Modern Slavery Training
We want all our staff to understand the importance of slavery and trafficking, and how they, and the business, must be part of the solution. We are in the process of familiarising all employees and suppliers with this Modern Slavery Statement and online Modern Slavery Awareness Training.
Further Steps to Prevent Modern Slavery in Supply Chains
We are looking to take further steps to prevent modern slavery in our supply chains by:
Assessment of Effectiveness in Preventing Modern Slavery
As a commitment to our workforce and customers, we will be reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of these measures, taking into consideration: staff training; supplier’s compliance with our policies; levels of communication between us and our major suppliers; and evidence of steps taken by us to address the risks identified during the due diligence process.
Company Approval
This statement has been approved by the organisation board of Directors, who will review and update it where relevant annually.
See the signed document in PDF form here.