How to pack safely and easily when moving house.

How to pack safely and easily when moving house.

18th Jan 2021

Posted by Laura Rich on 18th Jan 2021

How to pack safely and easily when moving house and when to bring in the experts! If you're planning a move this year, it's never too early to start thinking about how you will pack up your worldly belongings safely and easily. We've rounded up a checklist to help you get prepared.

Start early - allow time to pack safely and easily

As mentioned in our blog ‘9 things you should do to prepare your home for sale’ – start your packing early! It’s very easy to underestimate how long it will take to pack everything up. And unless you are super organised (Marie Kondo style) you’ll need to declutter first! 

Getting organised early can help when packing to move house.

Declutter for easy packing

Hopefully you will have tackled this before putting your house on the market. There is no point in packing anything you don’t want or need to take to your new place. So before you crack open the packing boxes, recycle or donate anything you can. It will make your packing more efficient when you do come to actually putting things in boxes. 

Order your packing. 

Start with the rooms and/or items you don’t use often. Better still, start at the top and work your way down. Loft first - because once you’ve got that out of the way, the rest will be a breeze! 

Packing one room at a time helps when packing to move house

Pack one room at a time – completely. You’ll then find that you free up space in the packed up rooms for storing the boxes from the other rooms.  

Label The Boxes! 

Even if you just write ‘bedroom’ or ‘bathroom’ on it will make all the difference when you unload in the new house. If you’re REALLY organised, you can keep an inventory of each box and number them as well as label the rooms they need to go to.  

Labelling boxes makes packing to move to a new home much easier.

Protect your furniture 

You’ve probably invested hard-earned money in your larger furniture items such as a sofa or dining table and chairs. Since these items don’t typically get packed into boxes, there are things you can do to protect them during the move.  

Invest in a cling wrap handheld device. Use it to quickly protect chairs by covering them with sheets or bubble wrap which can be secured easily using the cling wrap. Turn one chair upside down and secure to another chair to give added protection. 

A hand-held cling wrap roller is great for protecting furniture when you move house
A hand held cling wrap roller
Wrap larger furniture items to protect against damage when moving house.
Protect larger items of furniture with environmentally friendly cling wrap.
Two dining chairs wrapped together will help protect them when you're packing to move house.
Protect dining chairs by wrapping them together

Top tip: a quick search for ‘environmentally friendly cling wrap’ on google will offer a plethora of products including compostable and recyclable options. 

If you own a glass dining table it is a priority to protect the glass. How about approaching local companies to offer to recycle their large cardboard boxes or polystyrene sheets? Businesses often pay to dispose of their waste so it’ll be a win-win situation for them and you. Shops that display large items such as white goods are a good place to start. Cover the glass first with the clingwrap (so that if it does break, it’ll contain the pieces). Then add a layer of polystyrene sheeting or bubble wrap. Finally, cut cardboard to size so that it fits snugly to the glass and secure with packing tape or clingwrap. 

Wrap the corners of larger items with cardboard and secure with packing tape or clingwrap. This will help to protect the furniture but also the walls as you move it through the house. Using wide strips of cardboard, corners can be protected like this: 

Use cardboard strips to protect corners of furniture when packing to move house.
Cut a strip of cardboard and hold it on the corner of the item you want to protect. Leave an overlap of about 1cm at the corner.
Use cardboard strips to protect corners of furniture when packing to move house.
Holding the middle of the strip (on the corner), fold one edge snug to one of the sides.
Use cardboard strips to protect corners of furniture when packing to move house.
Fold the other end of the strip down over the other edge - you may need to tuck the corner overlap in a bit to make it neat.
Use cardboard strips to protect corners of furniture when packing to move house.
Secure the cardboard at the join with tape.
Use cardboard strips to protect corners of furniture when packing to move house.
Voila! Your table corners are protected!

Pack a Box of Essentials 

The kettle plus tea/coffee making ingredients – don't forget the mugs and a spoon! Keep this box back to go out last and in first!  

It’s also worth keeping your valuables and important documents in a box that you keep with you. 

Keep a box of essential items like tea and coffee making items when packing to move house.

Hire in professionals 

If you don’t have the time or are still not confident how to pack safely and easily for moving house, then consider investing in hiring a removals firm. Choices vary from a company coming in and actually packing the boxes for you (pricey end) to just filling their vehicles with your already packed up items and moving them into the new place (more affordable). 

It’s also worth getting quotes from a couple of different companies and always check out reviews or ask for personal recommendations from friends. Moving your worldly belongings, usually in one day, is physically and mentally exhausting so get help if you can!

Hire in help to move house. Friends and family or a removals company.


After learning how to pack safely and easily when moving house, there are priorities on arrival at the new place! We advise getting your dining table and chairs set up as soon as possible – it is probably UK law* to have a takeaway on your first night in your new home. Enjoy!  

Unpack your dining set as soon as posable when moving house. You'll need it for the celebratory takeaway!
Get a 'new home look' like this one with our Pivero Table and Lorenzo Chairs dining set. Image credit: @rufford_number132 on instagram

*it’s not, obviously we just made that bit up, but it should be in our opinion